When Taco Bell classifies a restaurant as a Signature Premier Restaurant that means it has a special characteristic by which it can be identified and in this case the characteristic is EXCELLENCE. We are proud and honored that 33 Tacala restaurants have been identified as SIGNATURE PREMIER RESTAURANTS. These restaurants have excelled at delivering… Read more »
Resolution: 👍or👎
Are New Year’s resolutions helpful or harmful? The new year provides a perfect blank slate to create a new goal, but is it worth it? In a recent study done by Forbes Health, they determined that 36% of people in the United States make a new year’s resolution. Even with New Year’s Resolutions popularity, it’s… Read more »
The holiday season is in full swing, and we want to share our favorite tips to help bring Taco Bell into your holidays. From menu hacks to gift ideas, we have it all! Our first tip is how to bring festive cheer to your breakfast order. Taco Bell Corporate inspired us to try a… Read more »
Thankful at Thanksgiving
Tacala has so much to be thankful for and there is no better time to reflect on this than during Thanksgiving! With over 350 locations across seven states, the list of what we are thankful for grows every day, and as we continue to grow, so does our ability to give back and impact… Read more »