Apply for a Star Fund Grant

Application for Assistance

The Team Tacala Charities Star Fund (the Fund) is a qualified 501(c)(3) public charity that provides financial assistance to eligible employees experiencing a crisis situation due to hardship events beyond their control.

Who is Eligible

Only Tacala employees and their eligible dependents may receive assistance from the Fund:

  • The employee must be employed at the time of the qualified event and at the time of the grant payment.
  • The employee must have been continuously employed for the six months prior to the time of the qualified event and must have worked an average of at least 16 hours per week during that period.
  • An application must be submitted within 30 day of the qualified event. The application process, including providing all requested supporting documentation, must be completed within 45 days of the application submission date.
  • The employee must not have already received a grant from the Fund during the 12-month period immediately preceding the date of the qualified event.
  • The employee must not have other funds that are immediately available from any other source, including insurance. The Fund Committee may request evidence or an affidavit to demonstrate that other funds are not available.

For application questions or concerns, please email

    Applicant Information

    Full Name:

    Personal Email:

    Location Number:
    [select* location-number first_as_label "--" “RSC” “Field Tech” “Above Restaurant Leader” "029007" "029008" "029009" "029010" "029011" "029013" "029014" "029015" "029016" "029017" "029018" "029019" "029020" "029021" "029022" "029024" "029025" "029026" "029027" "029028" "029029" "029030" "029031" "029032" "029033" "029034" "029036" "029037" "029038" "029039" "029040" "029041" "029042" "029043" "029044" "029045" "029046" "029047" "029048" "029049" "029050" "029052" "029053" "029055" "029057" "029058" "029060" "029061" "029062" "029063" "029064" "029065" "029066" "029067" "029068" "029069" "029070" "029071" "029074" "029076" "029078" "029081" "029082" "029083" "029084" "029085" "029086" "029087" "029089" "029091" "029093" "029094" "029095" "029097" "029098" "029099" "029100" "029101" "029102" "029103" "029104" "029105" "029106" "029107" "029108" "029110" "029111" "029112" "029113" "029114" "029115" "029116" "029117" "029118" "029119" "029120" "029133" "029134" "029135" "029136" "029137" "029138" "029140" "029141" "029143" "029144" "029145" "029146" "029147" "029150" "029152" "029153" "029154" "029155" "029156" "029157" "029158" "029159" "029160" "029161" "029162" "029165" "029166" "029167" "029168" "029290" "029291" "029292" "029622" "029717" "029738" "029970" "029971" "030071" "030072" "030073" "030074" "030075" "030077" "030078" "030079" "030080" "030081" "030082" "030085" "030086" "030087" "030088" "030089" "030090" "030091" "030092" "030093" "030094" "030096" "030097" "030098" "030099" "030100" "030102" "030103" "030104" "030105" "030107" "030108" "030109" "030113" "030114" "030115" "030116" "030118" "030124" "030125" "030126" "030127" "030128" "030129" "030134" "030135" "030139" "030140" "030141" "030142" "030144" "030145" "030146" "030147" "030148" "030149" "030150" "030151" "030152" "030153" "030154" "030155" "030156" "030157" "030159" "030160" "030161" "030162" "030163" "030165" "030166" "030167" "030168" "030169" "030170" "030177" "030252" "030263" "030269" "030270" "030271" "030272" "030273" "030274" "030296" "030297" "030435" "030439" "030451" "030463" "030476" "030684" "030878" "030879" "030880" "030881" "030907" "030954" "030983" "031394" "031446" "031467" "031540" "031757" "031799" "031808" "032029" "032059" "032068" "032072" "032165" "032206" "032401" "032755" "032888" "033295" "033348" "033369" "033445" "033643" "033691" "033994" "034026" "034248" "034555" "034603" "034790" "034799" "034824" "034827" "035016" "035213" "035455" "035465" "035882" "036307" "036308" "036369" "036370" "036371" "036372" "036403" "036404" "036409" "036413" "036414" "036415" "036416" "036481" "036482" "036483" "036484" "036485" "036486" "036487" "036488" "036497" "036502" "036515" "036516" "036519" "036937" "036938" "037008" "037013" "037020" "037047" "037099" "037102" "037105" "037127" "037128" "037130" "037141" "037153" "037154" "037155" "037161" "037173" "037188" "037190" "037191" "037192" "037193" "037194" "037341" "037357" "037370" "037419" "037460" "037461" "037486" "037526" "037699" "037704" "037835" "038801" "038833" "038859" "039116" "040113" "040114" "040162" "040382" "040418" "040430" "040431" "040444" "040528" "040571" "040702" "040706" "040780" "040783" "040910" "040954" "041135" "041154" "041172" "041188" "041332" "041333" "041491" "041554" "041656" "041659" "041685" "041739" "041881" "041902" "041969" "041980" "041981" "042019" "040384" "042104" "042119" "042120" "042192"]

    Personal Phone Number:

    Street Address:



    Zip Code:

    Dependent Information (if you are requesting assistance for dependents)

    Dependent 1 Full Name:

    Dependent 1 Street Address:

    Dependent 1 City:

    Dependent 1 State:

    Dependent 1 Zip Code:

    Dependent 2 Full Name:

    Dependent 2 Street Address:

    Dependent 2 City:

    Dependent 2 State:

    Dependent 2 Zip Code:

    Qualifying Event Information

    Date of the event that created the hardship:

    What is the qualifying event that you are requesting assistance for?

    Give details of the qualifying event:

    If request for assistance is due to damage to a primary residence, do you own or rent this residence?

    If address of residence you are requesting assistance for is different from permanent address provided above, provide address:

    Are you responsible for any repairs of damage to your primary residence?

    Do you have homeowner’s/renter’s insurance?

    If you selected yes to the question above, what is your insurance deductible?

    List the immediate basic needs you are seeking assistance for. Provide your actual and/or estimated expenses related to each category selected. (Provide for all that apply)


    Emergency supplies



    Home repair

    Temporary housing

    Funeral expenses


    If applicable, how many family members, including you, had articles of clothing damaged or destroyed?

    Please describe any other assistance obtained or sought in connection with the qualifying event that you are requesting assistance for such as private insurance, government insurance, or monetary assistance from other sources and provide the amounts.

    Please provide any additional details as to the qualifying event(s) that have led to your financial burden.


    I understand that the information I am providing will be used to determine my eligibility for assistance from the Fund and the Fund Committee will rely on the accuracy and completeness of this information. I authorize the Fund to deliver the assistance funds, if any are awarded, following the same payment method as payroll distribution. In cases where delivery of the funds by this method is not possible, applicants understand that they will need to provide payment information to the non-voting member of the Fund committee in order to receive payment.

    I further acknowledge that the Fund may suspend, amend, or discontinue this program at any time. The Fund committee reserves the right to determine the amount of financial support that is made available, which is dependent on many factors, including availability of funds, and funding is not guaranteed.

    In completing this application, I certify that the information submitted is true and correct and that I will provide all documents requested by the Fund Committee prior to approval and after approval as required. Evidence of how the funds were used must be provide to the Fund Committee as required by IRS guidelines. If documents are not provided as requested, the applicant will no longer be eligible for the Team Tacala Charities Star Fund as long as they are employed by Tacala, LLC.